Muslim baby girl names are here, these will be popular and general girl names, that we are hearing day today. If you are looking for common and popular names of Muslim baby girls, you are on right track.
Name is one of the rights of your kid, you have to give them a good name which is having a good meaning because a name has a great impact on a person.
One might consider that having a good name for their baby girl is just a name, and it has no impact on the person, it’s just a myth created by some people. Well, that’s okay on your side. But still, you have to choose a good and meaningful name.
Daughters are one of the beautiful mercies from Allah!
Popular Muslim baby girl names
Daughters are one of the beautiful creations of GOD! have you ever think that your daughter will be a Mom one day. Mom is the name of love. So love your daughters they are living angels.
These are the names in three different languages, I don’t know why I am writing these in three languages but hey it’s fun to do so. But below I have written some names with their meaning so check that Muslim baby girls names with their meaning.
Here are some baby boys names here do check it if you want.
Name | نام | नाम |
Rida | ردا | रिदा |
Resham | ریشم | रेशम |
Aneelaa | انیلہ | अनिला |
Roqaeya | رقیہ | रोकेया |
Roshana | روشانہ | रोशन |
Amina | امینہ | अमीना |
Anam | انعم | अनाम |
Asma | عاصمہ | अस्मा |
Asifa | آصفہ | आसिफा |
Asiya | آسیا | आसिया |
Bushra | بشریٰ | बुशरा |
Basmin | باسمین | बेसिन |
Benish | بینش | बेनिश |
Bisma | بسمہ | बिस्मा |
Bilqees | بلقیس | बिलकिस |
Iqra | اقرا | इकरा |
Samina | سمینہ | समीना |
Hiba | حبہ | हिबा |
Saba Qamar | صبا قمر | सबा क़मर |
Safina | سفینہ | सफीना |
Faryal | فریال | फरयाल |
Farkhanda | فرخندہ | फरखंदा |
Fakhar Naaz | فخر ناز | फखर नाज़ |
Sajida | ساجدہ | साजिदा |
Javeria | جیویریہ | जावरिया |
Qalsoom | قلثوم | कलसूम |
Marwa | مروہ | मारवा |
Nimra | نمرہ | निम्रा |
Aneela | انیلہ | अइला |
Aliya | عالیہ | आलिया |
Naziya | نازیہ | नाजिया |
Naheed | ناہید | नाहिद |
Khalida | خالدہ | खालिदा |
Summaya | سومایا | सुमाया |
Ayesha | عائشہ | आयशा |
Zakiya | ذکیہ | ज़किया |
Zolaikha | زولیخہ | ज़ोलाइखा |
Noureen | نورین | नौरीन |
Madiha | مدیحہ | मदिहा |
Maleeha | ملیحہ | मलीहा |
Masooma | معصومہ | मासूमा |
Humaira | حمیرا | हुमैरा |
Haseena | حسینہ | हसीना |
Habiba | حبیبہ | हबीबा |
Nousheen | نوشین | नौशीन |
Nasreen | نسرین | नसरीन |
Naheed | ناہید | नाहीद |
Farida | فریدہ | फरीदा |
Farwa | فروا | फरवा |
Jasmin | جیسمین | बेला |
Roohi | روحی | रूही |

Muslim Baby Girl names with meaning
These are the Muslim baby girls names with their meaning next to them, Every Islamic girl’s name has more than just one meaning, so I will write only one or two meanings if you know about others meanings of any specific name.
Write down in the comment section I will add that meaning to the specific baby girl name.
Name | Meaning |
Aabirah | Fleeting |
Abeera | Saffron |
Aadila | Honest, upright |
Aafreen | Encouragement |
Aaila | Beautiful, like Moon |
Badiha | Insight |
Badriyah | Full moon-like |
Badrun Nisa | Full moon of the women |
Baha | Beauty, Glory |
Bahar Bano | Blooming Princes |
Dafiya | Narrator of Hadith |
Dahab | Gold |
Daiba | Persistent, Devoted |
Dalia | Flower |
Daneen | Princess |
Darakhshan | Shining |
Emaan | Faith |
Erum | Heaven |
Eshaal | Paradise Flower |
Eshal | The name of a flower in the heaven |
Eva | Life, Beloved |
Fadheela | Outstanding, Virtuous |
Faheemah | Intelligent |
Fahm | Intellect, Intelligence, Insight |
Faiqa | Excellent |
Fairooza | A precious gem |
Faiza | Victorious, successful |
Ghafira | One who hides other’s sins |
Ghalia | Priceless, beloved |
Ghania | Beauty |
Ghaniya | Rich, Wealthy |
Gul bano | Princess of flowers |
Habiba | beloved, sweetheart |
Hadaya | Gift, Present |
Hadiqa | Garden |
Hafeeza | Protector, Guardian |
Ifrah | To make happy |
Iman | Belief, faith in Allah |
Indela | Like Nightingale |
Jahan Khatoon | She was a Persian poet |
Jalwa | Sight, Show |
Jamaima | Lucky |
Jamala | Beautiful, Pretty |
Kainaat | Universe |
Laiba | Name of a Hoor in Heaven |
Madiha | Praiseworthy, Commendable |
Nabila | Noble, Honourable |
Yumna | Fortunate, Blessed |
Zarka | Elegant Bird |
These are just a few names with their meanings, there are be so many other Muslim baby girl names with meanings here almost 2 plus thousand names for girls. Those names are listed as A to Z names. i.e Alina to Zarnish.